Vegetarian recipes
vegan alkalin dish ☺ (4 people) 2 garlic cloves, 1 onion,oil or ghee,2 butternut squashes,2 boxes of pre-cooked chestnut,1 tea spoon of black mustard seeds,1 teaspoon of cumin seeds,sea saltblack pepeprcoriander leaves Warm the oven in 160 °. Cut butternuts in two lengthwise, remove the seeds and replace them by sliced thinly cloves of garlic and little ghee or o...
dish rich in vegetable proteins ☺vegan (4 people) 2 garlic cloves 1 onion 1 table spoon oil 1 red pepper 1 table spoon of grated ginger 2 sticks of cinnamon 1 tea spoon of cardamom ½ kilo tomatoes 150 grams fresh spinach 4 dl of organic coconut milk 150 grams of coral lentils coriander leaves, salt and black pepper Dip lentils two or three hours. ...
dish balanced in vegetable proteins☺vegan (4 people) 1 clove of garlic 500 gr of cherry tomatoes 400 grams of silky tofu 10 cl of cream of soya 2 table spoon starch of corn 1 table spoon of sunflower seeds 1 onion olive oil 10 leaves of fresh basil sea salt black pepper Preheat the oven at 180 degrees. Mix the silky tofu with the cream of soya and the starch of corn. ...
healthy breakfast from Doctor Kousmine☺ (1 person) 4 tea spoons of fresh cheese 2 tea spoons of first cold pressure oil rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids the juice of 1/2 lemon 1 small ripe banana (or 2 tea spoons of unpasteurized honey) 2 tea spoons of raw whole grain cereal 2 tea spoons of oleaginous plants seasonal fruits Beat oil and cheese energetic...
alkaline dish balanced in vegetable proteins ☺vegan (4 people) 150 gr yellow mung dal1 small onion1 clove of garlic1 tea spoon of grated ginger1 table spoon curry powdersome fresh coriander leavessome fresh chili pieces (optional)water – sea salt – oil Soak yellow mung dal for 2 or 3 hours. Chop garlic finely and cut onion in small pieces. Drain the seeds o...
purée rich in vegetable proteins ☺ vegan 100 grams of chickpeas ½ tea spoon of mango powder or seaweed powder 2 table spoons of tahiné (sesame purée) 2 table spoons of lemon juice 1 crushed clove of garlic 1 table spoon olive oil little water 1 tea spoon Cayenne pepper black pepper freshly ground 2 table spoons coriander leaves Soak chickpeas 24 hou...
alkaline dish balanced in vegetable proteins☺vegan (4 people) ½ cup of mung beans (green soja) 1 cup of basmati rice 1 tea spoon turmeric 2 tea spoons coriander powder Soak mung beans the day before. Next morning, rinse, drain and cover them to start the seeding. Seeds so germinated keep a few days in the refrigerator in a covered but not vacuum bowl. Soak ...
alkaline dish rich in vegetable proteins ☺ (4 people) olive oil 1 tea spoon of mustard seeds 1 tea spoon of cumin seeds 60 grams oleaginous plants (walnuts, almonds, pine nuts) 3 cloves of garlic vegetables (fennel, French beans, beets, carrots) 100 grams of tofu 2 tea spoons spices (coriander and turmeric, curry) possibly acid cream, yoghurt, or soya or almond cream, for...
dish rich in vegetable proteins ☺vegan (4 people) 150 gr leguminous plants (lentils, mung dal, azukis) vegetables (carrots – parsnips, celeriac...) 2 table spoons fresh coriander 1 table spoon of sunflower seeds ½ table spoon amchur (mango powder) or seaweeds powder1 onion 1 or 2 cloves of garlic 2 cm of grated ginger 1 table spoon oil black pepper Soak lent...
alkaline dish rich in vegetable proteins ☺vegan (4 people) 1 table spoon oil 1 tea spoon nigella seeds 1 tea spoon dill seeds 1 clove of garlic 1 onion 1 carrot cut in dices some small broccolis bunches 1 tea spoon of coriander powder 180 grams of quinoa warm water Soak the quinoa at least one and a half hour and drain it. Warm oil and blow up the seeds of nigell...
vegan (4 people) 1 cup of coral lentils 2 or 3 cloves of garlic 1 table spoon oilvegetables (leeks, zucchini, carrots, pumpkin) 1 small table spoon of turmeric 2 small table spoons of coriander powder 1 laurel leave 2 cinnamon sticks 8 black pepper seeds 4 cloves warm water sea salt garam masala Soak coral lentils two hours then drain them. Cut vegetables in small p...
alcalin dish rich in vegetable proteins ☺vegan (4 people) 1 table spoon oil or ghee 1 tea spoon basil seeds 1 tea spoon dill seeds 3 garlic cloves 1 chopped onion 2 or 3 fennels Warm water 200 gr cooked chestnut 1 or 2 tea spoons of indian curry vegetable cream black salt and evt little pepper fresh herbs : parsley, basil, chive… &n...
raw vegan alkalin dish ☺ (4 people) 4 tomatoes1 cucumber 1 banana1 ripe mango season berries2 limeschaat masala either applespeachesradish a red beet Deseed tomatoes and cucumber, peel and stone the mango, peel the banana. Cut all in small cubes of 1,5 centimeter and mix in a salad bowl. Add the lime juice and the chaat masala and have a rough time immediately. ...
alive raw food ☺vegan (4 personnes) 1 or 2 sweet potatoes1 handfull cashew nuts1 orange juice freshly squeezed 1 garlic clove1 table spoon tamari2 table spoon colza oilblack pepper Peel sweet potatoes and cut them in pieces. Peel garlic and press the orange. In a mixer Magimix with blade S, put down cashew nuts and mix them, add t...
alkaline dish rich in vegetable proteins ☺ (4 people) 100 gr green mung beans ½ liter water, 1 tea sp turmeric 1 tea sp coriander 1 tea sp cumin 1 lemon juice Tarka : ghee, 1 pinch of asa foetida 1 tea sp black mustard seeds 1 tea sp green cumin seeds 1 tea sp grated ginger 2 to 3 garlic cloves, curry leaves or fresh coriander Wash mung beans and soak them for a night...
alkaline dish balanced in vegetable proteins ☺vegan (4 people) 800 gr zucchinis250 gr carrots or sweet potatoes2 onions300 gr apples 125 gr dried fruits (dates, apricots, plums) 1 handful raisins1 table spoon mustard seeds1 table spoon cinnamon1 table spoons soft paprika1 tea spoon sea salt2 table spoons ginger powder¼ kilo cane sugar300 ml cider vinegar Wash zucchinis...